Tag Archives: vegan

Did I Win or Lose?

So, last night. Ugh, last night. I decided to do an experiment to see how different foods affect my sugar. Those different foods may or may not be vegan. In all honesty, I just want to prove that I am right in my dietary choices, and regular foods will make my sugar go crazy and make me feel worse.

Ordering, and then eating, that pizza was a huge, gigantic mistake. Huge. I felt awful after eating. Sluggish and bloated. I mean, really? What was I thinking?

Seriously, I am never, ever experimenting with cheese or greasy anything again! I still feel miserable, for Pete’s sake! Plus side (yes, there is one even in the midst of all that grossness)? My five month old slept the whole night. That’s a win, right?


Ugh, I’ve had some health issues of late. Sadly, it’s only been noticeable in the last week to week and a half … since I’ve changed my lifestyle. My blood glucose level dives down to the low end of “normal” and then shoots up past acceptable ranges. I’ve had a slew of really annoying symptoms … shakiness, headaches, tingling in my fingers. Of course, the most important people in my life are speculating that it’s actually my diet that is causing my symptoms. It cannot be possible. They cannot be right. They just can’t be.

Bean Salad.

Bean Salad … such a simple little thing. One can buy it in a can off the grocery store shelf (or make your own, of course)! It’s super tasty and very convenient!

Personally, I like the convenience of a canned bean salad. Having a four month old, it’s so much easier than having to prepare every single dish. I can just throw it on a plate and go.

Yesterday, I had bean salad in my buddha bowl along with salsa, penne, and green leaf lettuce. Talk about delish!! Yay for beans!!

Final Day.

Yay! I made it to day 21 of my kickstart! In three weeks, I have transformed my life. I have more energy, and I am losing weight. I also feel fuller for longer (which is pretty amazing considering how I am a nursing mom). I am so proud of my accomplishments!

So, what now? I keep on keepin’ on. Going to continue on my healthy path, continue losing weight. I will definitely be thanking my therapist next time I see her!!

Day Twenty: One Day Till The End.

Scratch yesterday’s post. You know, the one where I said that I had no other motivator other than my health … yeah, that one. Funnily enough, I have found an additional motivator for remaining vegan: my children.

I have three kiddies; their ages range from nine to four months. They are my life, my breath. Eating healthy isn’t only helping me; it’s helping my children. By my eating healthy, they will learn to eat healthy. So, there is that.

Day Nineteen.


Last night’s Buddha bowl. Romaine lettuce, penne, black beans, fried portobello mushrooms (sans oil), salsa, and greens onions. Can you tell I love green onions? So delish! Love my Buddha bowls!

Today’s reading is about finding another reason (other than health) to be a vegan, as a motivator. While some people become vegan for the animals or the environment, I am just not one of them. Health is my motivator … my sole motivator.

To your health. To our health.

Day Eighteen.

I am nearing the end of my 21 days, and I was optimistic until I read today’s reading aptly entitled “Play with Your Food”. It’s all about trying new things, new flavors, new additions. Ugh. Dr. Barnard makes it sound so easy.

Not surprisingly, nutritional yeast is mentioned. It has a cheesy flavor and can be added to pizza and many other foods. I haven’t tried it yet, but I will definitely be buying some soon. I feel like it could make my dinners more interesting and even tastier.

Dr. Barnard also mentions Swiss chard, which is a green leafy vegetable. I have no clue what it is or how to eat it. I actually had to “google” it, as I had no idea what it even looked like. According to some outside reading I did, Swiss chard is slammed full of antioxidants and has anti-inflammatory properties. Now I just have to work up the courage to try it. I think I can?

After reading today, I decided that I was going to be buying myself a blender. I have never owned a blender. Really, really. I think it may come in handy, though. Dr. Barnard suggested some quick desserts that piqued my interest. One was … “frozen bananas with a touch of maple syrup, pecans or walnuts, and vanilla”! Doesn’t that sound absolutely delightful?

I guess if I’m going to continue on my path to healthfulness, I will need to learn to try new things. I will need to be adventurous. Eating the same thing over and over could result in me cutting my journey short and returning to my previous unhealthy diet. No!! I do not want that. And so, as I gather my courage, I step into the unknown. Onward and forward.